Protect your home and family with ease.
Customize app for multiple people.
The nami app allows multiple people to receive notifications with respect to one Bolo Sentinel system. That way, you can receive intruder alerts relating to the home of your parents or other family members. Similarly, any fire alarms at their place will be relayed to you.

Set up app for multiple locations.
The nami app means you can monitor individuals in multiple properties. For example, extended families in separate households can each receive alerts in relation to each other’s homes.
Choose settings.
With the nami app, choose the alert and notification settings that suit you. This way, you can avoid a notification every time your kids come in from the yard. Your app will always notify you of connectivity issues, and relay smoke and fire alarms.

Monitor activity levels.
You are now able to monitor the activity levels of individuals in the home when you are not present. Bolo Sentinel’s WiFi sensing technology means cameras are not required, and the individual’s privacy is respected.
Receive alerts.
Through the nami app, you receive alerts relating to intruders, entry to the property, connection issues, and relayed fire and smoke alarms.